Top 10 Best Online Blackjack Sites UK

The best blackjack casinos are the best casinos

If a casino doesn’t have a blackjack table, then it is not worth calling itself a casino. This is the most played game in the world – both in the bricks and mortar casinos along the strip and the online casinos existing only in the virtual world.

The reason why blackjack is so brilliant is that it is one of the few online games where there is a mix of both chance and strategy. It is no longer down to the ratio of return set by the casino – but to do with how you play your hand.

Blackjack is also brilliant because of the wonderful simplicity of aiming to get to 21. But then this simplicity explodes into complexity when you try to work out the best strategy to reduce the house advantage and turn the cards in your favour. When do you hit for another card, stick, or stand – and when do you double down in the hope of a big win.

What are the features of the best blackjack casino?

As this is one of the defining games on your online casino – there is a lot of choice. We have worked hard to judge which are the best blackjack casinos – and here are the things we looked for!

Online Blackjack Bonus Bonanza

One of the real benefits of playing blackjack on an online casino is the bonus. Realistically, there is nothing like sitting at the table with the dealer and seeing the faces of the other players. This is the upside of a real casino – but the upside of an online blackjack is the chance to win big and win quick.

This is what makes the best online blackjack sites, UK so popular. However, what few people realise is that there are often terms and conditions attached to these bonuses. They are structured in such a way as you can only use the funds to play further hands on the site. We look closely to see that you can claim your winnings as money – withdrawing it like all other monies held on the site.

Check out the stats

The best blackjack casinos will publish stats about the pay outs enjoyed by players. We believe these stats help skilled players to choose the table they sit at wisely. This is as much about playing a strategy to win, as with choosing when to stand up or to hit for another card.

One of the biggest stats to look out for is the pay out on a perfect 21. Realistically you want the casino to offer 3:2 return. A lot of blackjack casinos offer only 6:5 – which massively impacts on your chance of making any profit from your game at all!


The best blackjack casinos will offer you many variations of the game. There is the classic form – sure – this comes with a massive amount of fun. But, if a casino wants to stand out then they should have many different ways to play.

With this choice comes a whole host of different rules – and you need to pay close attention to which you engage with.

First, the surrender rules usually mean that the player forfeits just half the wager. This is sometimes a great strategy – even though you are taking a loss – you are retaining some of your wager to play again. Make sure the casino offers this strategy to reduce the house advantage.

There are also doubling down rules. This is an exciting feature of some of the best blackjack casinos. If you think you are on to a good thing, you can literally double your wager. Some casinos will only let you double down on 9, 10 or 11. If you want freedom of strategy then you should choose the table that allows the full range of double down options.

Equally, you may want a table that allows splitting. This is where it is possible to change the bet after seeing the cards. To sum up all the different ways the casino might use the splitting rule could take an entire article itself. But, in short, the best online blackjack sites, UK and beyond, will offer some form of splitting rule that engages the strategic ability of the player.

The best blackjack casinos will offer a range of rules that challenges the house advantage. The reason you will want to play blackjack is because it is about skill and not just about luck.

Side bets!

Another way a great casino will offer you choice and bonuses are by offering side bets. Side bets allow you to win even when you lose. So, if you get a pair or three of a kind – or if there is a straight flush of three cards – then you could still win from your wager.

This is an area where the best online blackjack sites, UK vary the most – and it is also a reason to select a site or not – especially if you are new to blackjack and have yet to perfect the strategy.

Mobile friendly

Your best blackjack casino should be available to play anywhere – with the clearest graphics and uninterrupted live play.

Come join us and play at the best online blackjack sites, UK

Blackjack is one of the best games in the casino. It is certainly one of the best online casino games. Why? Well, there is skill involved. Sure, the house has an edge – but it is likely to be no more than 5%. With the right strategy you could reduce this to zero and make a real good go at returning some profit.

It is a fast-moving card game that requires a strategy. It fuels your adrenalin and gives you all the chance of walking away flush. Why wouldn’t you want to play at the best online blackjack sites, UK?